Saturday, April 29, 2006


SAP campus @ Palo Alto, California

The SAP campus at Palo Alto is located at Hillview Avenue (Building D and E) and Deer Creek Road (Builing A through C). It is surrounded by a really beautiful countryside and provides a lot of places to relax and discuss work topics in a nice environment. But have a look yourself:

Since the campus is amidst nature, there are a lot of animals on campus, especially squirrels, lizards and rattlesnakes (even if I didn't see one by now...).

This the main entrance of Building D, where the office of Shai Agassi (member of the Executive Board of SAP AG) is located.

Building D also houses the cafeteria, where we have our (free) lunch. Normally we have lunch on the terrace you can see in the background.

That's Building C, where SAP Research is located. I work in the office you can see left to the entrance on the first floor.

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