Saturday, July 29, 2006


Daniel's BBQ & pool party

On saturday, there was a hilarious theme pool & BBQ party at Daniel's place. The them was "Anything from Honolulu Honeys to Guidos in Speeds (Chuck Norris and Rob Schneider costumes are always welcome in Paradise!)". The party was as funky and funny as it's theme, but check it out yourself!

Daniel and Jan -> look at those Guidos ;-)

Ok, let's skip some hours and see what happened ;-)

This Guido is done for today...

For those of you who don't know that game: it's called beer pong, a very popular drinking game in the US and really fun! I'm looking forward to play that with you guys as soon as I'm back ;-)

Man, we were so good at this game!!!!


Friday, July 28, 2006


SAP volunteers day

On friday most of the SAP interns and some of their supervisors went on the 'Palo Alto Summer Associate Volunteer Day'. We renovated the house of an unpriviledged woman in East Palo Alto and work included yard work, landscaping, painting and minor fence repair.

Saturday, July 22, 2006


Robert's farewell party

On saturday it was Robert's farewell party because he flew back to germany the next day. After about 11 months in sunny california it was time to say goodbye for him. We designed him a book, where everyone arranged a page, so he won't forget about all the people he met :-)

Tuesday, July 04, 2006


Independence Day weekend trip

Between 30th of June and 4th of July we (that is Pepe, Daniel, Christin, Dominic, Judith and me) went on a trip with an RV to Lake Tahoe and Lassen Volcanic National Park.

In the beginning I really had to get used to drive the RV because it had 29 feet (= 8,80 m) and you got huge dead angles. By the way we picked up the RV from Moturis at Oakland, which is exactly the same place we went to 10 years ago on the family RV trip :-)

We started our trip with a really huge shopping tour at Oakland close to the RV station.

After we stayed the first night at a camping site near Auburn, we arrived at Lake Tahoe on Saturday. Lake Tahoe is a freshwater lake in the Sierra Nevada, on the border between the U.S. states of California and Nevada, near Carson City. It is really famous for its ski resorts and we could still see snow on the peeks of the mountains. Well, actually no wonder because the elevation is 6,229 feet (1,899 m).

It might not look like, but the water was freezing cold ;-)

That's the famous Emerald Bay at the south edge of Lake Tahoe.

Please check out the date on the cracker box. That's quite a while, ha ;-)

Besides all the fun, we also had some hard work to do, to maintain our RV.

Which included the dump station :-(

Amazing what you can do with a clean RV in just 2 days ;-)

Now, that was another fun day. On sunday we went on a "rafting tour" on Truckee river. Ok, let's be honest: it was more like drifting down the river, drinking beer (quite a lot, though), hanging out in the sun, and party with dozens of other party people.

In the evening we went to North Star to see some fireworks.

On monday we drove on to Lassen Volcanic National Park. We stayed on a small campground at Butte Lake far away from anything like cell phone reception or TV. So we missed the german soccer game against italy. What a shame :-(

In the background you can see the Cinder Cone volcano.

View towards Butte Lake from the top of the Cinder Cone volcano.

On top of the volcano :-)

The two small dots down there are Judith and me...

After a long ride back home from Lassen, we arrived in Palo Alto on tuesday evening (Independence Day). It was a really cool trip and at this point: thanks to all of you for making it what it was :-)

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