Friday, May 26, 2006


Los Angeles and Santa Barbara

Between 26th and 29th of May, Judith, Dominik, Christin, Joern, Alex, Jan and me went for a trip to Los Angeles.

So we started friday afternoon directly from work (well, more or less directly :-)). But for whatever reason our reckless driver made an unsafe lane change on highway 5. Well, *ACTUALLY* we wouldn't have even noticed that it was unsafe, if there wouldn't have been a police car in our dead angle... The cop was not really amused about it and stopped us. His comment was as simple as: "I had to brake!" What he really wanted to say was like: "Guys. that's gonna be expensive". Well, keep you updated if the ticket is high enough to get the no1 position in "SAP Palo Alto Interns Ticket Ranking" (that's gonna be decided by the court).

After our first night in the south of L.A. we started our tour at the pacific coast at Venice Beach.

After the beach we drove up the Sunset Boulevard to Hollywood Boulevard and visited the Walk of Fame.

Actually I was pretty surprised to find a shop that sold 'Cannabis-FREE cigarettes'. It seems to be very uncommon here if they need to advertise it like this ;-)

Lukily the same shop offers some ecstacy cigarettes, so people don't have to live without their drugs :-P

After all the sightseeing at L.A. we went to the Griffith Observatory and had a short walk through the hills close to the Hollywood letters.

The Walt Disney Concert Hall:

And at the end of saturday a dinner at Chili's :-) Well, one story is really worth mentioning: our Motel6 south of L.A. was pretty ok despite the fact that it seemed like there was some kind of 'private business' going on in the hotel room next door :-/ At least that saturday morning (!!!) when we left the room a 'couple' left the room and 2 minutes later another 'couple' entered it. But the best thing is still to come: after another minute the door opened again and the girl asked us if we might change 100 $ :-) Well, we suggested to ask at the reception, but for some reason she didn't like that idea :-P

On sunday Judith, Dominik, Christin and me went to Universal Studios Hollywood while the other guys went to San Diego.

On Monday, which was Memorial Day, we went to Santa Barbara, visited the beautiful spanish colonial city centre and relaxed at a beach close by.

Saturday, May 20, 2006


San Francisco & Alcatraz Night Tour

On saturday Steini, Pepe, Matt, Axel, Christin, Dominik, Sina and me went to San Francisco for some sightseeing and enjoyed the Alcatraz Night Tour.

On top of the Coit Tower.

For those who didn't get it by now ;-) From left to right: Steini, me, Matt, Pepe, Christin, Axel, Dominik and Sina.

The Transamerica Pyramid is the tallest and most recognizable skyscraper in SF:

Skyline of SF with the Transamerica Pyramid in the middle...

Of course we also visited Chinatown :-)

The most winding street in the United States, Lombard Street:

Ok, you cannot go to SF without taking a pic of a cable car ;-)

View to Alcatraz Island from the Coit Tower.

The Cellhouse Audio Tour is a really good one. If you don't get lost on your way through the cells and cannot deal with the 'fast forward button'. Hey Sina, I'm glad we didn't struggle with this ;-)

Our tour guide:

This is Pepe, an argentinian mate dealer who is facing his deserved punishement. He is still smiling but it's only because his last mate trip still lasts ;-)

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